Thursday, July 8, 2010


Can you imagine swimming 2.4 miles, biking 112 miles, and then run 26.2 miles?

That is what it takes to be an Ironman!

Can you imagine becoming an Ironman?

Can you imagine becoming an Ironman while carrying an extra 110 pounds?
That is exactly what Dick Hoyt did. Dick Hoyt is an Ironman. Dick Hoyt is an Ironman that carries around an extra 110 pounds every time he competes in the Ironman triathlon. The extra 110 pounds that he carries brings him the most joy. That extra 110 pounds gives him the will to go on. That extra 110 pounds is his inspiration. That extra 110 pounds is the REASON he competes. That extra 110 pounds is his son!

His son, Ricky Hoyt, suffers from cerebral palsy which has left his body crippled. While his body is crippled, his mind and his heart are full. His full heart convinced a loving father to be his legs since he couldn't use his own. His full heart convinced a loving father to punish his own body for his son. His full heart convinced a loving father to trek across America. His full heart convinced a loving father to go to the ends of the Earth for his son.

"Dick is the BODY."
"Rick is the HEART."

"Rick COULDN'T compete without his DAD."
"Dick WOULDN'T compete without his SON."

What a story of LOVE!

More on the Hoyts:

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